Creative Image

What makes a good creative image?

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While an ideal balance exists between the composition, lighting, subject, and complexity of the photo shoot, the most effective images are those that also deliver creativity, passion and originality.

Creative images need to be provided with an extra element to stand out, such that are intentionally made to improve the photo from its original form.

  • Here are some great ideas:
    Use everyday objects
    Move your camera, try different angles
    Shoot through other objects
    Shoot in different weather conditions
    Try different backgrounds
    Shoot from above, below or from the hip
    Using a glass ball is a creative way of framing your subject
    Shoot the same place for several hours
    Shoot in macro
    Experiment with filters
    Shoot your subjects while they are in motion
    Shoot with a wide-angle lens
    Shoot crowds
    Experiment with bokeh effect
    Shoot in burst mode to take lots of shots (probably nice also for gifs)
    Experiment with exposure settings
    Revisit places you’ve already photographed at different times, lighting situations, seasons …
    Get up close or stand way back to change the perspective
    Use rim lighting
    Mix and match techniques from different genres
    Look at how others shoot the same location
    Be open to critique on your photos

Creative Photo

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box and try seemingly crazy compositions to get something unique.

I recently found the perfect example of this sort of creative experimentation during this quarantine, rictsephotography. Hong Kong photographer Ric Tse has found his own way to remain original while in voluntary isolation due to Covid-19. All he needed were some toys and common household items to create a series of clever, fun and creative images.

When you’re creative and think outside of the box, you can turn ordinary into extraordinary.

Creative Picture

Types of imagery and stock photography, based on Creative Image you can find above:
  • Stock Pictures / Pics
  • Royalty-free Vectors
  • Illustrations / Cartoons
  • Wallpapers / Backgrounds
  • Abstract Patterns
  • Isolated / Green Screens
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